Cancon : Updates

The World of Cancon : Introduction

In the beginning I haven't bothered much with giving updates on the site except for adding some notices on the Origins page if I had a period of some activity. I think I am now at the stage where the structure of the website and project is set and that I can start adding more content to it, which is what I've been doing lately. For any outsider it will be unclear where they can find new additions to the site as I do so randomly. Because of that I've decided to create an Updates page so that I can give an overview of every update I make. I will also add fixes and improvement to the site itself, but that is more interesting for myself than for others. The number of fixes will probably decline over time as the website in general is functioning well enough.

Made some improvements on the functionality on the new Geography section in the Encyclopedia as the continents don't need a page of their own. Made a set of empty pages for South-Ebewar.
Created an Updates page to the Introduction section for a more content-related overview.
Removed the Miscellaneous section and added the Geography section to the Encyclopedia.
Updated and expanded the Languages section of the Encyclopedia, giving it more structure and separate pages.
Made some small changes to the layout of the website to improve some parts which I was not satisfied with and also because I learned some new tricks.
Improved the map selection functionality and added maps for each nation except for those of North-Ebewar. The Cartography pages for each nation are now automatically created.
Updated the Political maps of Cartography and added maps of the other continents.
Sequewar : Iosysto
Sequewar : Tir Soa
Ebewar: Rom Trhyss
Ebewar : Nasineiye
Ebewar: Rubiad Empire
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This site was last updated on Jun 13th 2011, 19:29. All content © Essord.