Cancon : Continents

The Continents of Cancon

Currently, six continents have been defined on Cancon: Daome, Ebewar, Eytwar, Indussu (also sometimes named as Induwar), Miewar and Sequewar. A pseudo-continent called Shokeim is planned for, although this is more of an island group with several large islands. I have split the continent of Ebewar into a South and a North section as it is by far the largest continent and thus contains far more nations. To keep it all viewable this was a viable solution. A fusion can still happen.

This section does not go into detail of the continents in the general sense, but serves as a portal to present all the nations located on each continent (based on the location of the capital). For maps and general information I refer to the Cartography and Encyclopedia sections respectively.

Ebewar : Ekisu
Ebewar : Nasineiye
Ebewar : Nirnia
Ebewar: Rubiad Empire
Eytwar : Tungad
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This site was last updated on Jun 13th 2011, 19:29. All content © Essord.